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  • Batman #1 (Spring 1940), Part 4

    “The Joker Returns” The Joker is back! Already! According to the captions, it’s been literally TWO DAYS. I am choosing to believe that in the intervening time Batman has both slain the poor monster men AND gotten horny for Catwoman. He’s a Busy Guy. It is essentially a reprise of the first story. We start…

  • Batman #1 (Spring 1940), Part 3

    “The Cat” Holy historical importance, Batman #1 is a whizzbang. It is, in retrospect, pretty wild that after only a single year it introduces two characters that will, unbeknownst to its authors at the time I’m sure, remain absolutely central to the Batman universe right to present day. Not to mention its continuing use of…

  • Batman #1 (Spring 1940), Part 2

    Spring has sprung and I am called forth once more from the void to write my silly little Batman blog that no one will ever read. And yet, how can I read ancient Batman comics and not share all of the little treasures inside in hopes of some future traveler one day finding them and…

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