Detective Comics #28 (June 1939)


We start the issue off with some grade A lurkin’.

Batman spends most of the issue flying around, jumping off buildings, running around on top of buildings, dangling other people from buildings, dangling himself from buildings, etc.

It’s cool!

One of the joys of early Batman is seeing him do totally mundane things, like making phone calls, driving his little car, and breaking into people’s homes.

Also, it REALLY seems like that phone is upside down and that Batman has absolutely no idea what a phone is.

He’s such a smug dick in this issue.. Also also, he took his gloves off for this one, because he’s a total freak.

Neato panel, but also you know he’s loving this scaring the hell out of people shit. Also, boo to the issues where Batman is not fighting vampires and werewolves and instead defending people’s property (jewels). At least no one dies this time. But seriously, Batman, go to therapy!

The first of many occasions where Batman dangles someone from a high place to elicit a confession. Apparently he is disregarding 1936’s Brown v. Mississippi which ruled this sort of thing unconstitutional! Batman, this will not be admissible in court!